Esteemed wine observer Philip White has cracked his bottle of FREEMAN Robusta 2012 – and been transported to Shakespearean times.

‘ …A world of opulence and style, where the polished sheen of the drink hides the great aristocratic engine whirring within; where the complex panforte aromas of currants, figs, dates, prunes, nutmeg, mace, citrus rind and whatever are presented in such a finely-homogenised and harmonious syrup you simply cannot win … you name any luxurious item from the table of a renaissance monarch in Verona and it’s here with bells on.

In summary, Philip White sees this new addition to the portfolio as a ‘wine of incredible strength and depth that doesn’t seem gloopy. Instead, it’s savoury. It makes me hungry…’

For the full Renaissance rendition read on:
